Quality education for all
Rathmines Public School is a safe, welcoming and friendly school community in which all students are encouraged to aim high and to give of their best in all their endeavours. Learning is celebrated. Educational programs provide students of all abilities with the opportunity to engage in class programs and to experience success. Students with learning disabilities benefit from targeted support programs while extension activities are provided for gifted and talented students.
The school has three Special Eduction Support classes which cater for students with a range of physical and intellectual disabilties. The interaction between these students and those in mainstream classes is one of the most positive aspects of the school culture at Rathmines Public School.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is integrated into all classes with Interactive whiteboards and a class set of laptops for student use. Additionally, our Bring Your Own Device Program (BYOD) empowers learning across all classes in Year 3 to Year 6.
Watch the Rathmines Public School video (2:40) to see what students get up to at the school.
Transcript of Rathmines Public School.
A caring, safe and supportive school
At Rathmines Public School, we offer a number of programs and initiatives to support our students. Some of these include:
- An out of school hours (OOSH) care facility, situated on the school groups and open before and after school each day and during school vacations.
- Outstanding levels of pastoral care provided for all students.
- Year 3 Buddy Program supporting Kindergarten students.
- Year 5 Special Education Buddies.
- Excellent Kindergarten transition program incorporating a firm, fair and supportive discipline and welfare policy.
- Recognition of student effort and achievement through a weekly awards and affirmation system.
- Breakfast Club operates each day.
- School Chaplain employed two days per week.
- Act of Kindness and You Can Do It programs in place.
- Structured play activities during lunch me.
- Social Skills program implemented by Learning and Support Teacher (LaST).
- Leadership development opportunities via the Student Representative Council, sports house captains, muticultural ambassadors, library monitors and environmental leaders.
- Spacious, attractive, safe school grounds with security fencing, multi-purpose court, adventure playground, Special Education play area, raised vegetable gardens, quiet areas, level playing field and cricket nets.
Vision statement
Rathmines Public School’s vision is to pursue and celebrate excellence in all areas and to ensure everyone has the opportunity to experience success within a supportive, safe and engaging learning environment which embraces the creative and productive use of technology and is free from all forms of discrimination.
Our vision is to educate students for life by fostering their sense of wellbeing and developing their personal values of honesty, resilience, empathy, respect and responsibility.